The case has been made in this piece by Chuck Klosterman...although he states the problem and offers no solution, the fact still remains that there is a serious problem within the professional sports community. These young athletes, men more than women, are given narrow views of what success can look like...Sports. But, they are not taught the responsibility that comes with that form of success, or for that matter, any type of success.

They are also not given healthy alternatives, just in case they don't make it...letting them know they can be successful with or without a professional career in sports.

Instead of continuing to illuminate the problem, I wish folks would take the energy and put it where it needs to prevention and problem solving The Playbook: Mentoring Initiative. The professional sports brand will continue to be tarnished until a sincere effort is made to address this issue, and not continue to allow the mighty dollar to influence their decisions and efforts.

When will that happen?


About The Playbook: Mentoring Initiative TM

A mentoring initiative created by MWPR- Presents, a division of MWPR, Inc.-The Playbook looks to bring productive, positive and purpose-driven solutions to the real-life needs that occur during the natural lifecycle of a professional athlete. It will be accomplished through a specified curriculum, presentations, personal player testimonies and extended professional services; all created to address the immediate and long-term needs of the aspiring and current professional athlete, like no other initiative currently available.

The Playbook’s formula is “positive personal life = professional success”.