I received this press release from a friend of mine, Paul Stuart Haberman, Esq., who will be moderating a forum on athlete representation in NYC.
New York County Lawyers Association Sports Law Forum: March 11, 2009
Location: NYCLA Building, 14 Vesey Street, New York, New York
Time: 6:30 P.M.
The forum is about the representation of athletes in individualized (as opposed to team) sports in negotiations and the maintenance of endorsement and sponsorship deals. Among the topics to be covered are the recent Michael Phelps and Alex Rodriguez scandals and how to handle such matters as they pertain to endorsements and sponsorships, as their attorneys. The panel is made up of experienced sports law practitioners whose clients come from such sports as tennis, boxing, mixed martial arts, show jumping, golf, and bodybuilding.
Keven Davis, Esq., Partner, Garvey, Schubert & Barer;
Elizabeth Durkin, Esq., Partner, Durkin & Durkin, LLP;
Michael DiMaggio, Esq., Associate, Collins, McDonald & Gann, P.C.;
Christopher R. Chase, Esq., Associate, Frankfurt, Kurnit, Klein & Selz, P.C.;
Scott Shaffer, Esq., Member, The Lustigman Firm, P.C.
Moderator: Paul Stuart Haberman, Associate, Heidell, Pittoni, Murphy & Bach, L.L.P. and Chairman of the Sports Law Committee of the New York County Lawyers Association.
Sponsor: NYCLA's Entertainment, Media, Intellectual Property and Sports Law Section
RSVP: Dianna Lamb at dlamb@nycla.org and write 'March 11 forum' in the Subject line.
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